Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Illusion of Money Free Pdf

Title: The Illusion of Money Pdf Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It

New York Times best-selling author and comedian-turned-motivational speaker Kyle Cease shows how your obsession with money is actually preventing you from living the life of your dreams.

"I can't afford that."
"Now's not the right time.... I need to save up."
"Quit my job? Are you nuts?!" 

Sound familiar? Money is one of the biggest excuses we make to not go after what we really want. Our fixation with money - the desire for more of it, and the fear of not having enough of it - is often really just a longing to feel safe. But this obsession with money is coming at a much bigger cost: our sanity, our creativity, our freedom, and our ability to step into our true power. This book is about eliminating the need to seek safety through the illusion of money, and learning to see ourselves for the perfection that we are - so that we can bring our gifts to the world in an authentic way, and allow ourselves to receive massive, true abundance as a result. Kyle Cease has heard excuses like the ones above countless times at his live events, and he has shown people how to completely break through them. In The Illusion of Money, he shares his own experiences, as well as practical tools to help listeners understand their ingrained beliefs and attachments to money, and how they can tap into our infinite assets and talents.  

"After 25 years as a successful comedian, actor, transformational speaker, author, and junior-league amateur bowler, I've experienced many times how chasing money is not an effective way to create an abundant and fulfilling life. The most alive I've ever felt was after I left my comedy career at its peak to become a transformational speaker. I left tons of guaranteed money and so-called security for a complete unknown. It was terrifying - but what was on the other side of that terror was a completely different life that is not only more abundant financially, but has more freedom, more ease, more passion, more impact, and more joy." (Kyle Cease)

Illusion For me, this book was a large ramble of new-age phrases disguised as something that claimed to be helpful. Highly disappointed in this book.I wanted to love it, but loving it is an illusion I don't write reviews often, but I hope this helps other readers, and hopefully provide the author some feedback in a future update.Just like my title, I wanted to love it, it started with mind opening, illusion revealing, purpose finding message.But as I went on, there's been so many things that could've been more polished, researched, or expounded:1. The exercise on 10s, you just score everything you do from 1-10 (regardless of frequency) then get your average and that's what your current life score is. Really? what?! and if this score shouldn't be taken seriously, then what about the other exercises? are they just there for fun and just plain optional?2. It also gets more confusing when he says you have unlimited potential for creativity, then later on says follow your body instead of your mind, then follow your heart instead of your mind, which make it seem like our mind is the villain (which is partly true), but it's also where our creativity comes from. From my own point, it should have been focused on how our mind, heart, and body must work together to achieve our best selves, rather than pitting them against each other.3. It also tells you about intention vs goals, but the book lacks true practical stories about people focusing on intention rather than goals, and then living the best version of their lives. It has examples (to be fair), but not enough for most people to differentiate a goal to an intention, cause I would say going to Europe (an example in the book) is still just a goal at the end of the day, cause after accomplishing that, he's happy (for now) and then what? Did he just lost his purpose, or now wants to travel the world?Beyond these issues though, the book has a lot of new insight, new perspective towards money, and towards a future of abundance without concern for money and just doing what you were made to do. I just really hoped we got more practical examples and application like "The Helens" chapter in this book, and with more true people's stories, because if this really works, then we should be able to see it in the life of other successful people, their journey from not knowing their purpose, to finding their purpose, and to finally living their purpose, not just the end result.I do hope for a future update of this book, cause I really wanted to love this book. And if that happens, I'd be happy to dive out of the illusion once again. Thank you.Powerful and important book Money is such an emotionally-charged topic for me and so many others. Kyle's approach is powerful, insightful, and important and this book is fantastic. Not only does it challenge us to think differently about money and alter our relationship to it in a great way, it is also funny and an incredibly quick read. I highly recommend it.

Tags: B07NDJSWKG pdf,The Illusion of Money pdf,Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It pdf,,Kyle Cease, Matt Kahn, Audible Studios,The Illusion of Money: Why Chasing Money Is Stopping You from Receiving It,Audible Studios,B07NDJSWKG

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